All posts by apryllx

Circle Garden

I’ve begun a new series of works, all revolving around floral motifs.  The first in this “Garden Series” is Circle Garden.  In the next few blog posts, I will show a few pictures that show a little of the process involved.  I call these fabric collage, a form of painting with fabric, thread and embellishments.

Circle Garden 1CG4

CG22circle garden detail 2

These photos show my beginning process, from placement to embellishment.

Completed Circle Garden
Completed Circle Garden

DetailComposed mostly of silk fabrics up-cycled from blouses, ties and scarves found at local thrift stores and estate sales.  Shapes and colors are chosen, arranged, then fused to a background.  Hand embroidery and embellishing continue the process before the finished composition is mounted on a 12″ x 12″ x 1.5″ deep canvas.

This work was inspired by a similar Rex Ray design, an artist I greatly admire.  A group of 6 fiber artists rose to a challenge to each create a 12″ x 12″ work of fiber art with the common theme of CIRCLES.  This is my entry.

circle of friendsArtists from left to right, top to bottom:

Denise Spillane, Traci Hutton, Carolyn Skei, April Soncrant, Carol Regan, & Olga Brock

Our submission will be a part of the “Fiber Visions: Dallas Area Fiber Artists Brazos Gallery” exhibit at Richland Community College during the month of October.

FiberVisionsPostcardWe even made it on the postcard!  So excited!

I keep looking for my artistic voice.  Making fiber collage is leading me toward a good direction.  We’ll see how this develops.